Boyce Keller Snodgrass Born Feb 3 2009...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Boyce joined our craziness on Feb 3. He is doing great. In fact at his dr. appointment yesterday he told me he didn't want to see him until two months since he was doing so well. He has been eating and sleeping great. Here is the first few minutes of his life. He has changed in appearance so much since then and is actually starting to look a lot more like Gage did as a baby. Gage loves his little brother and is constantly giving him hugs and kisses. He is also constantly showing us where is eyes and mouth are! Poor Boyce. It's amazing how much bigger and older Gage seems now. Karmen and Manuel are glad to have another baby in the house but are really looking forward to the time when they will all wrestle together!

Brushing Teeth?!

Here is a good taste of Gage's little personality...
Oh, am I going to have my hands full in a few years!

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