Snow Day, part 2
Sunday, March 29, 2009
We found our camera in the grass today, after all the snow has melted. Thankfully it still works. So here are some pics.
Gage decided he liked the big puddles the snow left and spent most of his time stomping around in those instead.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Snow day
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We had the big blizzard this weekend, all 3 inches of it. We all had a great day and even Jake and I managed to throw a few snowballs at the kids! Gage really didn't like the snow too much, but got better with it the longer we were out there. We used a tv tray as a sled to pull him around the yard. Here are a few videos (check out our video link up top if you want to see them all.) We had to use the cell phone video camera bc our real one was dead. And I'll add pictures later because somehow our camera disappeared (hopefully not in the snow!)
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Baby Wearing
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I love my Ergo! It was through my Ergo that I was introduced to the whole world of baby wearing. With Boyce, I've even learned the art of making my own wrap. It is so nice to have an option to go hands free and yet still hold him. Anyways, all that to say that baby wearing makes me appreciate this movie even more
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Boyce is finally coming to life! He has started smiling, cooing and studying us when he is awake! He does awesome holding his head up and when he is on his belly he scoots around all the time. He scooted right out of his pants and swaddleme blanket today! He looks more and more like Gage, although we think his eyes might stay blue. Here's a few pics of the little guy.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Roman Nose
The weather here has been awesome lately. A nice treat for spring break. The other morning I was taking out the trash and decided we needed to spend the day outside. We went to Roman Nose for the day with Jake's cousin and their family. It was awesome. We got to hike around, the kids got to play, and we got to spend the whole day outside. Gage and Boyce were pretty tuckered out, but really they had a great time!
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Karmen was getting out the checkers yesterday. Gage started taking them out as well and then started placing them on the board like playing checkers was old hat to him. It was pretty cute. He is getting to be such a big boy.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Spring Broken
Monday, March 16, 2009
Well, we are officially on day four of spring break. It didn't start off so well. Gage and Boyce were sick and passed it on to me. Gage seems to be better but Boyce is still really congested. I'm still not doing so hot. We discovered yesterday that Gage's eye teeth are coming in so that should be fun for the next while. Our toilet was clogged and overflowed into our bathroom. We made some feeble attempts to fix it, but ended up having to call a plumber. I washed our cell phone in the laundry and so now we had to get a new one and have lost everyone's numbers. Thankfully the weather has been nice so the older kids have been outside a lot. Jake has also done a good job of taking them places and helping out. I'm hoping the next few days will be a lot smoother than the first.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 1:52 PM 1 comments
The Snod Squad
Saturday, March 7, 2009
So, writing six names on a card is becoming really tiring. In order to escape from a bad case of hand crampage I've been trying to come up with a catchy name to refer to us all. I'm voting for Snod Squad but Jake isn't sold on it yet. What are your thoughts? Anyways, here is some pictures that we managed to snap with the whole crew with their eyes open. Well okay, Gage has his camera face in most of them but there were a few...
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Never a dull moment
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Gage is quite the character. I can't believe he is turning 18 months. He is always entertaining and is eager to make everyone smile. I like to take the boys on a walk as long as the weather allows. (since we've had such a mild winter, it has been often) Even though we have a double stroller, Gage prefers to walk for the most part. He likes to point out every flag and truck that are around. (his two greatest obsessions at the moment) Every car that drives by he waves to them. The other day a van full of elderly people drove by and you could tell it made their day to have a little guy wave to them as they passed. He truly is a very happy little guy and even enjoys being a big brother.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Gage or Boyce
We think the two boys look alike and wanted to see if you thought the same...can you tell who is who?
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 9:47 AM 2 comments
One Month
I can't believe that a month has passed already. Craziness. Things have been going well. Boyce is doing pretty well with learning how and when to sleep. He is eating well and gaining weight. He has started being able to hold his head up and looks around a lot more. Sometimes I think he looks at Gage like he is crazy. Gage still continues to be a little show off and entertains the crowds! I thought I'd share some pics of Boyce's first month
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 9:19 AM 2 comments