Thursday, June 25, 2009
MJ's loss is a little easier to take after hearing the hope we have here!
Boyce has become the rolling fool our life one crazy day at a time
MJ's loss is a little easier to take after hearing the hope we have here!
Boyce has become the rolling fool
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: Snippets
Things I never thought I'd say (or hear)
K: Did you know my name is Spanish
Me: You are hispanic, of course your name is Spanish
K: I don't speak Spanish
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Well, Jake has been gone for two weeks now. That is two weeks that I have successfully woken up on time to get my kids up in time to catch the bus. (I'm so thankful that it is now finally summertime) While it is easy to function this way--we still manage to live our daily lives, go places, play sports, go to church--it is just not complete. As I've sat and thought of this, especially around 8:00 at night when everyone is supposed to be going to bed, I've been reminded of my own relationship with Christ. I often find myself "functioning" in life, but not living a complete life. I am a pretty self-sufficient person so it's easy for me to slip into survive mode and do what needs to be done. It takes more effort for me to stop and realize that He is sufficient for all my needs. It seems like that is my fallback when I'm at complete frazzledom (new word!) And yet, I know, that if I rested in his sufficiency that I would be less likely to reach those areas. So, with two weeks left to go, I want to continue to realize my complete inability to do this on my own.
2 Cor. 12:9-10
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefor I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 8:01 AM 0 comments
The things I never thought I'd say (or hear):
Let's not lick our brother.
Please take your foot out of the toilet.
M: Can we take one of those ferrets over to the island
K: That stuffed animal I got, it says it's homemade in China.
We don't actually eat markers.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: mother talk
and the rest of you, but the first one is to show Jake that Gage finally learned how to wheel his golf bag around! The second one is Gage drawing some pictures for Jake. He keeps saying "D Dad" because we say D is for Dad all the time.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Snippets
We had a fun weekend. We went to Olympia on Saturday to a Farmer's Market. We got some yummy fruit and some things to plant in the garden. We then walked along the Port area. It was crazy because you could look down into the water and see crabs, jellyfish (huge ones), sardines, etc. The kids (and I) were pretty amazed at that. We then went for a hike in this park that was basically like a rainforest. It had gigantic leaves and was very lush. It took us a lot longer to do that than we anticipated as Gage wanted to walk a lot and the stroller was kind of hard to get through parts of it. But we all had a good time. The boys came home and took some crazy naps and we played some wii to finish off the day. Sunday we didn't do much, grocery shopping, Sunday School lesson and then went to Seattle to go to church. We stopped at Whole Foods on the way and I bought some fake cheese to try. Haven't done it yet so we'll see. Okay, so on to what you really care about...
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Our family is officially awkward
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 3:20 PM 0 comments
We got our family pictures taken before we left Oklahoma by Stacy Lee. She did an amazing job. You can check them out here Thanks Stacy.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 8:02 AM 1 comments
Boyce just turned four months! While we can see that he is definitely growing up he is still a little guy. He is barely 13 lbs and about 24 inches tall (in comparison Gage was 16 lbs, 27 inches at four months). He still looks a lot like his brother but is starting to get his own look too. He is a pretty happy guy and has found the joy of toys! It's so fun to watch him explore and play. Of course Gage wants "Bece" to do everything he does so here a few pics of him playing with letters and riding the horse
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: brothers
Things I never thought I'd say, but now seem necessary:
Don't pee on Mickey Mouse (these are the characters on the underwear)
No, people have never been able to eat through their ears. (to my 11 yr old!)
There is no way you can have two cakes, eat six pieces and end up with 22 cakes. That is unless you are Jesus. (9 year old math woes)
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: mother talk
Here's What I learned this week:
Kid's don't hesitate to test their parents as soon as one of them is away. I have already had to conduct numerous "this is not going to fly just because your dad is not here" seminars
Maps on the iphone are not always the most direct route. They do actually get you to where you are going but you will also find out after sitting in traffic for an hour that there usually is a much quicker route
Taking your kids to an exhibit that has about fifty pictures of people, including babies, completely messed up on Meth might actually be a sure-fire way to get them to stay away from the stuff
There truly is such a thing as language explosion. Once this explosion happens you have to be very careful what you might say. This saves you from having the embarrassing experience of your kid yelling "poop" over and over again as you walk through a restaurant.
If you don't give a baby a bottle for several months they have no idea what one is. They will glare at you and wonder what you are trying to choke them with. This will be followed by much screaming and refusal to eat. The Dr. office is not the best place to conduct this experiment.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 2:11 PM 1 comments
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 2:08 PM 0 comments
We went to a Duck Parade on Saturday to celebrate the end of the rainy season. We enjoyed a parade, getting to sit on the firetrucks, free lunch, free samples from the melting pot, and many other perks including a board illustrating the effects of Meth (I think my kids had nightmares) all in the rain! Enjoying a smoothie!
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Things I never thought I'd say, yet seem to be necessary:
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: mother talk
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Boyce was taking a nap so we decided to go outside in the backyard and play. It was actually Gage's idea to start riding his car down the hill, I just showed him how to keep his feet up! Such a boy. taking a break
Helping mom weed!
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 2:34 PM 1 comments
I'm stealing this idea from another blog but everything else in it is original!
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 1:26 PM 2 comments
Well, I'm finally getting settled and feel like I can spend some time catching up on here. We are moved into our brand new home (the house that was here before burnt down) and almost everything has found a place to go. Jake is enjoying himself, but feels weird being on such a regimented schedule. He is up and gone by 5:50 every morning and is back again at dinner time. Occasionally he joins us for lunch for 15 minutes or so. The older kids are at school until June 19 which has been nice for them to make friends and have something to do. Gage is loving his new home and especially enjoys all the water, the mountain, and ha-ca-cas (helicopters) that he gets to see all the time. He is also almost two and we can definitely tell. Argh is all I have to say! Boyce is about to turn four months. He rolls over, scoots as he is on his belly, smiles, laughs and talks all the time. If he is awake he is watching the constant craziness...I'm going to post some new photos and I'm stealing a new idea from another blog.
Posted by Snodgrass Fam at 10:40 AM 1 comments
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