A Hole in One

Friday, April 9, 2010

Or one in a hole. A couple of weeks ago we went to a lake here on post and enjoyed some sun (which was followed by two weeks of rain). We just so happened to have a real shovel in the trunk of the van and so Manuel dug a big hole. While all the other kids on the beach came and gawked at the hole, we made comments about how we were all about to get some awesome Chinese food. Seriously, no, it wasn't that deep. But Boyce thought it was pretty awesome. In fact, he camped out in that hole for the rest of our time there. I have decided that whenever I need to occupy Boyce for a good 45 minutes that I will pull out the shovel and dig a hole...I hope people don't mind!

Life Lessons from a two year old.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

This week is the kids' spring break. Most people picture spending spring break somewhere warm like Mexico or California. We are having quite the opposite experience. We have had hail almost every day and temperatures dipping down into the thirties. (This just also happened to be while standing outside at one of many of Manuel's rained out baseball games)

I was determined to not let Mother Nature get in the way of our not so fun-filled week and decided we would go on a hike regardless of the few sprinkles that were falling from the sky. Long story short, the sprinkles became torrential downpours, which became hail...which combined with steep hills and a stroller filled with 50lbs of now cold, wet kids...well, you can only imagine. Once back in the car with heat blasting and little red hands tucked underneath coats to heat them up, Gage piped out enthusiastically. "That fun, Mom!" and this is why I love Gage. While all we "saw" was a hike turned disaster, Gage saw...

And to him, that was the best day ever! If only we could always see the little things that bring us joy regardless of our situation and declare life to be so fun!

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