Makes 11!
Yep, as crazy as it seems, Karmen turned 11 last week. I was crazy enough to take her and four of her friends out to dinner at Red Robin. They did pretty well until one girl could no longer stay in her seat and kept ending up on the floor. That's when I decided we should head home!

Karmen, You are definitely growing up. You have a sweet smile that matches your caring heart for others. I have loved watching your passions grow over the last year. It's been fun to watch you try so hard at soccer and do such a good job. You have also tried harder at school than ever before.

Karmen, we pray that God will continue to heal and comfort you. We pray that you would continue to fall more and more in love with Him and that you may find all your needs in the only one that can provide them.

We love you so much and you are our favorite daughter! We hope this year is filled with joy, growth, and more positive changes. We love you. Happy Birthday!
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