Friday, January 21, 2011
Over Christmas break we were able to stop by and visit another family of train enthusiasts. They had recently purchased some cars for their model railroad that Gage found quite impressive. He pleaded with the family to add it to his Christmas stash, but ended up with a far greater gift--for everyone involved. They gave Gage the catalog of trains that has every model train imaginable inside of it. He very quickly became obsessed with a blue train with three freight cars. We told him, if he wanted a train in his book he would have to do chores to earn money to buy it. He talked about this idea for the next two weeks and as soon as we got home to Washington he got busy. He often asks me once or twice a day if he can do some chores! Most of the time I give him a wet rag and give him an area to clean wipe off. He has also helped unload the dishwasher, wipe off the table, pick up toys etc. Lately if we go to the store and he sees a toy he would like we just tell him that he needs to keep doing chores, but then he reminds us he is doing chores to get the blue train! We are hoping this will last the 10 years it will take him to earn enough money to buy that blue train! Nickels and pennies take a long time to amount to anything! What are your favorite chores for your preschoolers?

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