Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Last year we started a new Christmas tradition in our family. We decided every year that we would think of more creative gifts to give others. One of my challenges was to develop some gift ideas that I could spend time making rather than buying. We then give the money we save on presents to an organization called adventconspiracy.org. I started this year with some ideas and ended up getting most of them accomplished. I realized that sewing is a form of therapy for me and spend many evenings after the kids are in bed unwinding and sewing. Here are some of my latest creations.
Giant Checkerboard that I made for Karmen and Manuel
Travel pillow I made for my sister

Christmas ornament I made for an ornament exchange. I forgot to take pictures of the other finished ones. I loved this and plan on making some more!
Journals for Karmen and Manuel
A crochet hook holder for my mom. After taking the picture I realized I still needed to burn the ends of the ribbon. (in case you were worried!)
Cd case for a friend. It was double-sided so it actually holds 12 cds.
A cup cover for Boyce's sippy cup. I hate putting tape on their cups but needed to have his cup labeled for nursery at Bible study.

All such great ideas! I'd love to know how you made that sippy cup cover!
Very cool ideas. You need to open up a store on etsy.com. You know...in your spare time. :)
wow, aren't you creative?!? i think i may just steal some of your ideas!!
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