Sunday, January 31, 2010
So, with Jake's computer broke and my now lack of someone to talk to in the evening I decided I'd write a few things down on the blog instead. I'm sure you all are excited for this!
I'm happy to say that the first time in five months a month went by quickly. January sped by and I can only hope the same for the next seven months. Save the two week break that Jake will be here. There are many times this month that I have thought back to last year and all that took place...
Had kid number 4
Moved to the Northwest
Joined Army Life
Sent Jake off for a year
Found a new church home
Man, that is a lot in one year. I'm hoping for a little tamer 2010. Looking back over the month of January though, I'm a little nervous!
Had one kid suspended
Locked little guys in the car
Have had to endure recorder practice every day for a good hour
Had our toilet clogged too many times to fact they came and took our toilet off to finally get it figured out (thank you God for free home maintenance!)
Oh wait, there is light
Joined a new Bible study
Started working out again
Made several trips to Tacoma, Seattle and surrounding places
And it flew by!
So, Happy February everyone! I'm so happy your the short one of the group as with March comes Jake!

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