Saturday, February 13, 2010
So, my friend and I have been planning a trip to Leavenworth, WA for a while now. When we woke on Fri. morning (my kids had another no school day) we dismissed the downpour and decided to go anyways. So we piled in the five kids and drove the three hours in constant rain and we're not disappointed. Leavenworth was a cute German town which reminds me a lot of Bertchesgaden in Southern Germany. We enjoyed some great Brats, walked around in the rain, and soaked in the scenery. We stopped on the way home on one of the passes to play in the snow. By the way, Gage and Boyce don't take after me, they hate snow. Note the tears in all of the pictures! So, I'll probably post more pics to facebook for those of you who want to see more because there were just too many good ones.
The cloudy mountains. We decided we would come back in summer!
There were lots of cute stores that we kept the five kids out of!

Bertchesgaden Germany, meet Leavenworth, WA.
We stopped at a bakery and Gage was pretty stoked about his train cookie.
Back in the van we headed to the deeper snow. I should have known when just putting on the snow suit brought tears. Don't worry, I only tortured them long enough to get cute pictures.
all this place needs is some Nazi's
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