Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What kind of blogging mom would I be if I didn't pay homage to my kid on his first birthday. One year ago...Feb. 3, sometime before 4:00 pm Boyce Keller Snodgrass weighing 7lbs 15 oz and somewhere around 19 inches (man, I have a good memory!) Lots of black hair that continued to grow into a monk-like mullet until I recently cut it.
Beece...you truly are a happy baby. You always have a smile on your face and you take life in stride. Your smile is contagious and you make many others happy as well. You kind of get the rough end of the deal with your big brother sometimes but we all know you are the tougher one and Gage is going to have to look out for you someday.
I love that you always have your tongue out and you snort like a little pig. I'm sorry you have an incessantly runny nose and know the dr. will figure it out eventually!
You are such a quick learner and are always eager to try something new. You are a little guy with big aspirations. Whether it is finding the closest domino to chew on or destroying your brother's train tracks you are always on the move. I love your love for books. You love to just look at them and squeal at the pages. I love that you are beginning to talk. "Da-da" "Quack" "All-Done" and "again" are about all we have gotten so far but you're getting there. Mom's going to be next right?

I love that you were eager to walk. You took your falls with stride and turned them into a game. You then just looked through your legs playing peek-a-boo as if it was what you intended all along. It didn't take you long to figure it out and now you run around the house thinking you are two. You already try to climb up slides, stairs, boxes and anything else. I have a feeling I'm in for a crazy year!
Happy Birthday Boyce! Maybe I'll get to meet you one day and you can hang out with the Krazies!
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