Murphy's Law

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So, recently a friend stopped by and was curious about my decision to let Gage use markers. He does a great job, I said. We've really reinforced the whole "you only draw on paper" concept and he sits at his little table and colors in his coloring books or draws snakes on paper. Apparently Boyce looks a lot like Handy Manny or something because this is what I walked in on after going to the bathroom

Notice his pajamas also got quite the coloring. His head was also covered in blue but it was hard to get a good picture of it. Needless to say, we are now back to using Color Wonder Markers.

Trash to Treasure

Friday, September 25, 2009

We've been accumulating a lot of other people's trash lately...a tricycle, slide, basketball goal, a bunch of little people's toys which Gage and Boyce have been having a lot of fun with. But the best trash of all has been an empty diaper box. They think that it is a ton of fun. Gage wishes that Boyce would sit down more but Boyce just likes standing up in it.

Saving face...and a few bucks

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gage has a problem
Yes, the poor kid can't keep a pair of pants up to save his life. It doesn't help that he doesn't wear diapers so there is no extra padding for him. Anyhow, we have looked everywhere for a belt for him to no avail. So, as I was digging around in our mess of a storage closet I found some material I had used for straps for a bag I made my mom last summer. After a trip to Michael's (I miss Hobby Lobby) for some D-rings and about two minutes on the sewing machine Gage now owns a belt. So there will be no more of this....

and much more of this...

At the Playground

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What was the name of that little kid band that sang that...

anyways, here is some fun at the playground. Yes it was a whole family occasion!


Okay, my two month break is over. I'll be back posting on here now. Life got crazy. Summer has been crazy and so hence the break. Things are going well. Boyce turns 7 months today. He is such an interesting character. He is the same size as Gage was at 3 months! But he does things developmentally that Gage did at nine months. He got his first tooth this week. He crawls like a madman and sits up by himself. He now even pulls himself up so he is standing. Yikes! Gage turns two this week. I can't believe it. He is such an ornery little boy. He loves laughing and being crazy. He knows all of his letters and can sing a mean ABC as well! He actually loves music and singing. He definitely takes after his dad there. He is going to start gymnastics once the kids go back to school so he can have somewhere that is a little more conducive to his numerous summersaults. Karmen has grown about a foot lately. She has really taken to being a little mother (sometimes helpful, sometimes not so much) Manuel is recovering from his broken arm. He has had his cast off for a couple of weeks now but still is a little weak. We are hoping it didn' t blow his chances of playing football this fall, but are still waiting to hear from a team if he'll be able to play. The kids start school next week. Jake leaves in a week. We are not looking forward to it and know that the next year will be challenging. Please keep us in your prayers as we all have a huge adjustment to deal with.

and now for some more photo posts!

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