
Monday, September 27, 2010

Four years ago we began the crazy adventure of parenthood. It's hard to believe that it's been four years. It's been four years of ups and downs, highs and lows. We are truly happy to have Manuel and Karmen as our children and know that their journey is far from done.

Three, Three, can it be?

I can't believe that it's been three years already. What a fun three years it has been.
You're crazy personality has continued to grow and you make people laugh all the time. You are so friendly and love to say hi to everyone you meet. You then scream something about trains to them but none-the-less you are still friendly!
You have a passion for life. Everything you do, you do with your whole heart. You love your family, even your little brother who you beat up mercilessly, with the same passion. You always want to make sure that everyone is included in everything and don't rest well until you do so!
You are so smart. You love books, puzzles, reading, and of course trains. I am not surprised that you remember every store you've ever been in, or the street that you saw a fire truck on, or the market that you got to get a cookie at. I think I passed my memory on to you!

Gage, you are an amazing little boy and I'm excited to see what God has planned for you. I love hearing you sing, memorize verses and pray to God in such a childlike manner and know that he understands "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God hurt my tea" Thank you for being such an example of joy for our family. We love you!

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