Spring Break Blues

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Last year on spring break we tried to brave the weather. If you want to take a trip down memory lane, check it out. This year, we have very much the same situation. Our backyard is full of toys that look like this
And the drops on these trees are not just early morning dew. In fact, I think they might be permanent.
Just incase any one is a statistics person (I am) the month of March saw 3, count them 3 days where it did not rain. The month of April is not looking much better.
So, I've started buying things when I'm out and about to save for a rainy day! The first day of spring break seemed the appropriate time and everyone was deeply engrossed for about thirty minutes!
Working together
A look of pure concentration. He was definitely focused.
We have affectionately named all the trains we see in Washington, Washy. All trains have to have a name you know. So, it only seemed appropriate to name our newest member of the family, none other than...

A New Hat to Wear

Friday, April 1, 2011

This week I have found myself in all new territory. It looks a lot like geography, grammar, spelling and bones.
After a lot of prayer, we have decided to homeschool for a little while. There are a lot of reasons behind it, but over all we feel that Karmen will benefit tremendously from it. Especially since these are standard conversation blips
"No Karmen, Japan is not a state."
"The head of a ship is called a captain, not a chief. "
"The Mayflower sailed to America"
Today ended our first week, and over-all it went well. She has been working hard, learning many new things, and having some fun too. I am exhausted! It will definitely take some getting used to but know in time that we will all get into the groove of it all.

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