Habla Ingles?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Manuel had a life changing moment a few weeks ago when he was at school. (not the being suspended for shooting rubber bands incident!) He was near the office and some lady started talking to him in Spanish. He came home frustrated that he doesn't know Spanish. A week or so later a new student came into his class that only speaks Spanish. Manuel has been picking up words very easily from the new kid and comes home to share them with me all the time. I'm excited to have him get in touch with his culture! Now, don't get me wrong I'm all about teaching Manuel and Karmen Spanish and would love to incorporate that into their world more. But sometimes I'm wondering if maybe I need to be teaching them English...

a note from "Karme"...wishing me love, joy peace, kindnees and sweat!
Apparently my attempt to distinguish when to use the word "good" and when to use the word "well" has been in vain. Neither of which make sense in this sentence.
This one is hard to make out but it is Karmen's bag of "Pennis" that she is taking to school to help the people of Haiti. Pretty sure they don't need any of those!


Anonymous said...

those lucky lucky haitians!!!!!!
wishing you well-luck and sweat dreams

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