*Toot Toot*

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Yes, that is the sound of me tooting my own horn!

As is the point of this post. Here are some of my latest crafting ventures.

I finally remembered to take a picture of the baby blocks that I've been making. This is the sixth set I've made and first that I've remembered to take pictures of.
This is a baby book that I made for a dear friend who lost her husband in September and gave birth to a baby girl in February. I didn't show the inside but I printed pictures onto fabric of Dad for Baby E to carry around with her. So the whole book was cloth and very baby friendly (even the buttons that were sewn on extra, extra carefully!)
And finally a chalk bag for my neighbor's little boy. He loves dinosaurs and they go rock climbing frequently so I wanted to incorporate the two. I got the pattern from here!
I have so much fun making these things that I am kind of sad when they are finished.
Not much time to spare though, I have a baby shower this weekend to prepare for!


This Life said...

THey look great!

E said...

WOW! You are so talented, Heather! :)

I bet S LOVED that book...what a SPECIAL SPECIAL gift...I teared up just thinking about how much that must have meant to her.

Mary Broussard said...

Heather, I love all of your projects! Did you use a pattern for the book ( which is just incredibly thoughtful and special) or did you invent these baby treasures? Great job on them!

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