Point Defiance

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Point Defiance sounds like something we encounter every day in our house but it is actually one of my favorite spots around here. We have been experiencing some crazy, nice weather while the rest of the world is being snowed on (a little bitter sweet for me, I have to admit...I love snow!). So, today we spent the afternoon with some friends down at the waterside at Point Defiance. Of course, our drama queen, Gage, decided that the water was "cary" and wouldn't go anywhere near it. (We have been to the water a few dozen times in the summer but something has changed since then I guess!) Boyce wanted to try every rock on the beach in case one of them might actually be food. Karmen was the only one brave enough to dip her feet in the freezing water and only for a few seconds. Manuel spent the day taking pictures when I would give up the camera. I included some of them for you to see. Don't worry I'll give him credit for those! There were way too many pictures, so I'll add just a few and post the rest of on facebook for those of you that are eager to see the whole bunch!
Our view!

Manuel is pretty proud of this bird shot, actually I think the rest of these photos were actually his. I was pretty busy wrestling the two boys!


Hamon family said...

those are some good picture manuel! So nice being by the ocean!

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